Thursday 16/06/2021 – 10:00ARG, 14:00GMT, 15:00CET.
Some preliminaries on Gelfand pairs III, Wolter Groenevelt, TU Delft.
Friday 21/05/2021 – 09:00ARG, 13:00GMT, 14:00CET.
Some preliminaries on Gelfand pairs II, Wolter Groenevelt, TU Delft.
Wednesday 05/05/2021 – 10:30ARG, 14:30GMT, 15:30CET.
Preliminaries on Gelfand Pairs I, Wolter Groenevelt, TU Delft.
Friday 16/04/2021 – 09:00ARG, 13:00GMT, 14:00CET
Asymptotics of Relative Dimension in the Young Graph II, Arno B. J. Kuijlaars, KU Leuven.
Wednesday 24/03/2021 – 11:15ARG, 14:15GMT, 15:15CET
Asymptotics of Relative Dimension in the Young Graph I, Jonas Wahl,KU Leuven.
Wednesday 03/03/2021 – 10:30ARG, 13:30GMT, 14:30CET
A Toy Model (the Pascal Graph) and de Finetti’s Theorem, Tey Berendschot, KU Leuven.
Wednesday 10/02/2021 – 10:30ARG, 13:30GMT, 14:30CET
Extreme Characters and Thoma’s Theorem, Dan Betea, KU Leuven.
Tuesday 19/01/2021 – 11:00 ARG, 14:00 GMT, 15:00 CET.
Coherent Systems on the Young Graph, Dan Betea, KU Leuven.
Thursday 09/04/2020 – 10:30AR, 13:30UK,14:30CET
- The finite non-Abelian Toda lattice, Bruno Eijsvoogel, KU Leuven.
Thursday 26/03/2020 – 9:30AR, 13:30UK,14:30CET
Multiple orthogonal polynomials associated with confluent hypergeometric functions, Hélder Lima, University of Kent.
Thursday 12/03/2020 – 10:30AR, 14:30UK, 15:30NED
- Matrix valued Gegenbauer polynomials and their Riemann-Hilbert formulation, Alfredo Deaño, University of Kent and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
Tuesday 18/02/2020 – 11:00AR, 14:00UK, 15:00NED
- Scattering Theory and Matrix Orthogonal Polynomials on the Real Line IV, Erik Koelink, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.
- 2×2 cases related to su(2), Pablo Román, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
Tuesday 04/02/2020 – 11:00AR, 14:00UK, 15:00NED
- Scattering Theory and Matrix Orthogonal Polynomials on the Real Line III, Erik Koelink, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.
Wednesday 08/01/2020 – 11:00AR, 14:00UK, 15:00NED
- Scattering Theory and Matrix Orthogonal Polynomials on the Real Line II, Pablo Román, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
Wednesday 11/12/2019 – 11:00AR, 14:00UK, 15:00NED
- Scattering Theory and Matrix Orthogonal Polynomials on the Real Line, Pablo Román, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
Wednesday 27/11/2019 – 10:00AR, 14:00UK, 15:00NED
- Fredholm determinants, Jimbo-Miwa-Ueno tau-functions, and representation theory III, Alfredo Deaño, University of Kent.
Wednesday 13/11/2019 – 10:00AR, 14:00UK, 15:00NED
- Fredholm determinants, Jimbo-Miwa-Ueno tau-functions, and representation theory II, Alfredo Deaño, University of Kent.
Wednesday 30/10/2019 – 10:00AR, 14:00UK, 15:00NED
- The infinite dimensional unitary group, Erik Koelink, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.
Tuesday 15/10/2019 – 10:00AR, 14:00UK, 15:00NED
- Fredholm determinants, Jimbo-Miwa-Ueno tau-functions, and representation theory I, Alfredo Deaño, University of Kent.
Monday 30/09/2019 – 09:00AR, 13:00UK, 14:00NED
- Algebraic theory of the KP equations, Bruno Eijsvoogel, Radboud University.
Monday 18/7/2019 – 10:30AR, 14:30UK, 15:30NED
- Three-fold symmetric Hahn-classical multiple orthogonal polynomials, Ana F. Loureiro, University of Kent.
Monday 3/6/2019 – 10:30AR, 14:30UK, 15:30NED
- Riemann-Hilbert problems for matrix valued orthogonal polynomials IV, Alfredo Deaño, University of Kent.
Monday 20/4/2019 – 10:30AR, 14:30UK, 15:30NED
- Riemann-Hilbert problems for matrix valued orthogonal polynomials III, Alfredo Deaño, University of Kent.
Monday 13/5/2019 – 10:30AR, 14:30UK, 15:30NED
- Riemann-Hilbert problems for matrix valued orthogonal polynomials II, Alfredo Deaño, University of Kent.
Monday 29/4/2019 – 10:30AR, 14:30UK, 15:30NED
- Riemann-Hilbert problems for matrix valued orthogonal polynomials I, Alfredo Deaño, University of Kent.
Tuesday 15/4/2019 – 10:30AR, 14:30UK, 15:30NED
- Ladder relations for matrix valued orthogonal polynomials II, Bruno Eijsvoogel, Radboud University.
Tuesday 8/4/2019 – 10:30AR, 14:30UK, 15:30NED
- Ladder relations for matrix valued orthogonal polynomials I, Bruno Eijsvoogel, Radboud University.
Monday 25/3/2019 – 11:30AR, 14:30UK, 15:30NED
- Gelfand Pairs and Spherical Functions III, Jie Liu, Radboud University.
Monday 11/3/2019 – 11:30AR, 14:30UK, 15:30NED
- Gelfand Pairs and Spherical Functions II, Jie Liu, Radboud University.
Monday 25/2/2019 – 11:30AR, 14:30UK, 15:30NED
- Gelfand Pairs and Spherical Functions I, Jie Liu, Radboud University.
Monday 18/2/2019 – 11:30AR, 14:30UK, 15:30NED
- Darboux transformations and matrix valued orthogonal polynomials V, Pablo Román, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
Monday 4/2/2019 – 11:30AR, 14:30UK, 15:30NED
- Darboux transformations and matrix valued orthogonal polynomials IV, Pablo Román, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
Thursday 24/1/2019 – 11:00AR, 14:00UK, 15:00NED
- Darboux transformations and matrix valued orthogonal polynomials III, Pablo Román, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
Tuesday 15/1/2019 – 11:00AR, 14:00UK, 15:00NED
- Painleve IV behaviour emerging from Freud polynomials, Bruno Eijsvoogel, Radboud University.
Thursday 20/12/2018 – 11:00AR, 14:00UK, 15:00NED
- Darboux transformations and matrix valued orthogonal polynomials II, Pablo Román, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
Thursday 6/12/2018 – 11:00AR, 14:00UK, 15:00NED
- Darboux transformations and matrix valued orthogonal polynomials, Pablo Román, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
- Orthogonal Polynomials and Painlevé Equations, Bruno Eijsvoogel, Radboud University.
Friday 23/11/2018 – 10:00AR, 13:00UK, 14:00NED
- Matrix valued spherical functions and multivariable matrix valued orthogonal polynomials II, Erik Koelink, Radboud University.
- Orthogonal Polynomials and Painlevé Equations, Bruno Eijsvoogel
Tuesday 13/11/2018 – 11:00AR, 14:00UK, 15:00NED
- Introduction to Riemann-Hilbert problems, Alfredo Deaño, University of Kent.
Monday 5/11/2018 – 10:30AR, 14:30NED
- Matrix valued spherical functions and multivariable matrix valued orthogonal polynomials I, Erik Koelink, Radboud University.